Humanitarian Clowning around the world.

Guy Giard with Rosalia in San Pedro La Laguna
Guatemala 2016

Guatemala 2014

Guadeloupe 2014

India 2014

Guatemala 2015

Peru 2015

Panama, Mexico 2016

 San Pedro La Laguna, Guatemala 2016

Russia 2016

Cancun, Mexico 2018

Helping building a school in Burkina Faso

French interview with Guy Giard

Guy Giard English Interview CKUT with Vivienne Walz,
October 6th 2015

Humor is all about human connection and bonding. I’ve witnessed it many times when I lead Laughter Yoga sessions. I bring together a group of individuals, strangers, and the room is very hush and quiet. As the laughter fills the room as we move around, greeting each other and sharing our playful inner child, magic happens. People are glowing in pleasure and in anticipation of the next exercise. By the end of the session everyone is smiling, many are hugging, passion fills their hearts as they leave and talk about sharing the experience back at home.

As a humanitarian clown I’ve volunteered in the impoverished community of  Belen, Peru. For a portion of the year, Belen is flooded by the rising waters of the Amazon and has neither sanitation nor electricity installations. The children I met have a passion for life and light in their eyes. They would run up barefoot in the mud, among the garbage and holding hands with their younger siblings, with the intense desire to join us in our games. They filled me with a vision of hope, peace and love for humanity. I felt that under the veneer of civilisation this is what we are all about... pure JOY.

Both experiences have taught me that humor results from the feelings of security and inner peace. When we laugh we foster emotional connection with one another and this bond is my definition of peace. By opening our hearts to ourselves and others we become messengers for world peace.

World peace is in our hands, each one of us has the power to change the world. I volunteer on humanitarian clowning missions, bringing laughter, love and hope to orphans, school children and hospital patients in underprivileged communities. I have been to Peru and Guatemala three times with Dr Patch Adams, and to Tamil Nadu, India. I am presently planning to go to Russia in 2016. There are no words to describe the smiles and laughter in the faces of the souls who feel they are loved.

A message from Patch Adams Md

“We have had the privilege to have Guy on five of our clown trips. He is a big, soft hearted soul, whose radiant smile has brought much glee and stimulation for the trips. He and I have spoken often and I truly feel his passion to living radiant, using clowning as a tool to help midwife a loving world. To hear of his own transformation to bring a loving soul will inspire others to try it on. Let him sparkle your environment.”
- Dr. Patch Adams, American physician, comedian, social activist, clown, and author.

« Nous avons eu le privilège d'avoir Guy lors de cinq de nos voyages de clown. C'est une grande âme au cœur tendre, dont le sourire radieux a apporté beaucoup de joie et de stimulation pour les voyages. Lui et moi avons souvent parlé et je ressens vraiment sa passion de vivre, radieuse, en utilisant le clown comme outil pour aider à enfanter un monde d'amour. Entendre parler de sa propre transformation en une âme aimante inspirera les autres à l’essayer. Laissez-le étinceler votre environnement. »
- Dr Patch Adams, médecin, comédien, activiste social, clown et auteur américain.

Standing ovations in Chicago and Montreal!

« Je tiens à exprimer ma plus profonde gratitude pour avoir cru en moi. Vous avez été un excellent ami, professeur, mentor et une grande inspiration pour moi. Vous m'avez inspiré à poursuivre mes objectifs avec beaucoup de travail et de dévouement. Les connaissances que vous m'avez transmises ont été un grand atout. J'apprécie et valorise vraiment tout ce que j'ai appris de vous. Il restera à jamais un élément majeur de mon succès et de mes réalisations. Je vous remercie encore une fois pour votre temps, votre soutien et votre patience. »
- Giri Dharan Directeur, fondateur de la Fondation Third Hand : nourrir les sans-abri dans les rues aux Indes

"I want to express my deepest gratitude for believing in me. You have been an excellent friend, teacher, mentor and a great inspiration for me. You have inspired me to pursue my goals with hard work and dedication. The knowledge you have imparted to me has been a great asset. I truly appreciate and value everything I have learned from you. It will forever remain a major contributor behind my success and achievements. Thank you, once again, for your time, support and patience."
- Giri Dharan Director, Founder of Third Hand Foundation: feeding the homeless in the streets of India

« A Guy : N'oubliez jamais que vous avez un don. Un don de résilience. Et pour ceux qui ne l'ont pas et qui souffrent encore, c'est le but de votre vie de guérir les autres. Restez ouvert aux dons que l'univers vous offre. Avec amour, merci. »
-- Judy Carter, comédienne américaine, conférencière sur la motivation et auteur

“To Guy. Never forget that you have a gift. A gift of resilience. And for those who don't have that and are still suffering - it is your life purpose to heal others. Keep open to the gifts the universe gives you. With love. Thank you”
Judy Carter, American comedian, motivational speaker and author of four books on comedy and self-improvement

« Nous sommes une petite école privée qui reçoit des enfants de six à douze ans, orphelins ou issus de milieux défavorisés. Vos aides financières nous ont permis de bâtir un avenir meilleur et plus prometteur pour l’ensemble du personnel et les élèves. Les sou- rires que nous sommes en mesure d’apporter quotidiennement aux visages des tout-petits le sont grâce à votre générosité; nous n’aurions jamais pu aller aussi loin sans vous.

Merci beaucoup de faire partie de cette petite école et de soutenir une cause si importante : l’éducation des enfants du primaire en milieu défavorisé. Au nom de tous les membres du personnel et des élèves, encore merci, merci mille fois, Guy.»
- Francelline Nakoulma, fondatrice école primaire privée Saint Gabriel,
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

We’re a small private school for children aged six to twelve, who are either orphans or from disadvantaged backgrounds. Your financial support has enabled us to build a better and more promising future for the school’s staff and pupils. It’s your extraordinary generosity that enables us to bring big happy smiles to the faces of our young charges each and every day, and we never would have made it this far without your help.

So I’d like to thank you for being part of our school and for lending your support to the vital cause of giving children from disadvantaged backgrounds a good education. On behalf of our entire staff and all of our pupils, I’d like to thank you from the bottom my heart, and theirs as well.

Guy Giard en Inde.

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Guy Giard humanitarian clown with Patch Adams

As an author here are my books in French and Spanish

Here to view my concerts and listen to my two albums

Health tips with Wim Hof winter runs, fasting and the paleo diet

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